
Put your CapEx to Better Use

See how one top senior living provider redirected $3.5M in planned CapEx to investments in growth and patient care.


In the pro forma summary, you'll see:

  1.   The overall savings rate when comparing the Technology Subscription to cash
  2.   A specific breakdown of how the subscription costs less 
  3.   A graph comparing the two pricing models 

Total impact by the numbers

Projects Using Subscription


Units Installed


Technology Installed

-  PTACs
-  Lighting
-  Thermostats

About the Subscription

Senior living organizations are using the Southern Company Technology Subscription to outsource the management of their energy systems to technology experts so they can stay focused on their expertise — caring for their residents. By taking over the maintenance, optimization and retrofitting of your lights, HVAC and other energy systems, Southern Company will save you time and capital, and allow you to focus on senior care. In this document you’ll see exactly how much one organization saved.


Learn how one senior living organization saved 11.5%.